

19th International Symposium of the Institute for Urban Humanities – Rethinking (gated) communities in the digital polis

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작성자 최고관리자

작성일 2022-04-28 14:26 조회 1,436회 댓글 0건


The Institute for Urban Humanities of the University of Seoul will host an international symposium called “Rethinking (gated) communities in the digital polis: digital pathology, imagination, exclusion, and cooperation”. The symposium aims to envision the multifaceted concepts of gated communities and fortress cities in the post-pandemic future where private and public domains become less distinctive while digital transformation accelerates. Particular attention will be paid to the conceptual exploration of digital pathology, imagination, exclusion, and cooperation for an improved understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of communities emerging in the digital era and how these communities can contribute to shaping new forms of the digital polis in practice. We hope that this can provide valuable insights into how people, urban spaces, and digital technologies are related to and affect each other in contemporary neighborhood transformation around the world.

This symposium will be held online on 20th May, 2022 and English-Korean simultaneous interpretation will be provided. Anyone interested can join the event via ZOOM WEBINAR (ID: 886 2938 6438) 



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